Nigeria’s PEBEC Shortlisted Finalist for Global Catalyst 2030 Awards

Nigeria’s Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC) has been announced a finalist in the prestigious Governments Category of the upcoming 2023 Catalyst 2030 Awards.

This award recognizes outstanding organizations worldwide for their transformative initiatives and impactful contributions to societal challenges.

The Catalyst 2030 Awards, renowned for celebrating innovative approaches to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals, selected the PEBEC after a rigorous due diligence and selection process of nearly 80 nominations from across the world, along with three other government initiatives from Spain, USA and Portugal.

Dr. Jumoke Oduwole, the Special Adviser to the President on PEBEC & Investments said “The Council’s work was identified as an ally in shaping new global narratives on societal challenges, and building an ecosystem that centres on local solutions for greater impact.”

“This recognition underscores PEBEC’s unwavering commitment to nurturing a business-friendly environment in Nigeria. Over the past seven years, we have spearheaded 180 critical business climate reforms, fostering collaboration across government sectors and private enterprises. This synergy led to expedited, cost-effective, and transparent processes, propelling Nigeria’s impressive 39-step rise in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Ranking between 2017 and 2019,” she added.

PEBEC’s pivotal role in establishing Ease of Doing Business Councils at the state level in Nigeria was highlighted, ensuring coordinated and sustainable reforms. Additionally, their instrumental contributions to the formulation and promotion of transformative legislations, including the groundbreaking Business Facilitation Act of 2022 and the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 2020, were commended.

Catalyst 2030, a dynamic global movement of social entrepreneurs and innovators, champions innovative, people-centered approaches to address societal challenges. The Catalyst 2030 Awards honor entities, both public and private, that exhibit bold actions and collaborative efforts to drive transformational change.

The prestigious Awards ceremony is scheduled to take place in November in London, United Kingdom, where PEBEC’s innovative practices and transformative efforts will be celebrated on the international stage.

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