Dealing With Construction Permits (Lagos)

Easier, Faster, Cost-Effective

Previously, construction permit application procedures required manual submissions of large sets of documents and there was a lack of clarity with reference to documentation, applicable fees and procedures. Reforms were implemented in Lagos State to make the construction permit application process simpler and more cost efficient.

Reforms that have been implemented for obtaining construction permits

Removal of Infrastructure Development Charge (IDC) for 2-floor warehouses
  • The IDC (i.e. the fee for construction permits) has been removed by the Lagos State Government for maximum of 2-storey warehouses used for storage of non-obnoxious and non-hazardous materials
  • Reduced cost of construction permit application from 26.3% to about 5.1% of estimated warehouse value (The IDC was estimated at about N6.5 million for the relevant category of construction)
Soil Investigation Report for construction permit applications in non-marshy areas no longer required
  • Cost of obtaining a soil investigation report eliminated
  • Reduced application process time
Certified True Copy (CTC) of title documents no longer required
  • Cost of obtaining the CTC documents eliminated
  • Reduced application process time


An average of 68 construction permit applications have been approved monthly without requiring the CTC of title documents, soil investigation report or payment of Infrastructure Development Charge (IDC).
As of May 2018, the number of days required for construction permit applications for Lagos is 118, and Kano 84 days
Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority The Secretariat, Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria Learn More
Lagos State Ministry of Physical Planning & Urban Development The Secretariat, Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria Learn More
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